UW-Madison dairy judges take first at All-American Contest
A team of dairy cattle judges from the University of Wisconsin-Madison took first place at the 37th All American Dairy Show Invitational Youth Dairy Cattle Judging Contest, Sept. 19 at Harrisburg, Pa. The Badger team placed 26 points ahead of 2nd place Virginia Tech, and was 1st in Holsteins, 2nd Brown Swiss, 2nd in Guernseys, and 4th in Linear Evaluation. Fourteen national university teams competed. This win marks the seventh time that the UW-Madison has won the All-American Collegiate Judging Contest, more wins than any other university.
Individual awards and team members:
Lindsey Worden – Cassville, N.Y. – Dairy Science and Ag Journalism – Junior
? High Individual Overall (701 points)
? 1st in Linear Evaluation
? 1st in Brown Swiss
? 2nd in Holsteins
Lea McCullough – Juda, Wis. – Dairy Science and Ag Journalism – Junior
? 5th High Individual (693 points)
Suzie Benoit – South Royalton, VT – Dairy Science and Ag Business – Junior
? 12th High Individual (686 points)
Ashley Yager – Highland, Wis. – Dairy Science and Ag Journalism – Junior
Ted Halbach, dairy cattle evaluation instructor, and Dave Dickson, emeritus professor of dairy science, coached the team.
“This contest win has to rank as one of the most rewarding in my tenure at the UW-Madison,” said Halbach. “On this day, these kids performed as near to their competency as any group I”ve coached. Like we talk about all the time in practice, they judged smart, seeing the logic in the classes, and didn”t over-evaluate the problem cows that are there purposely to place lower.”