
UW-Madison Short Course Dairy Cattle Judging Team Places First At 1997 Southwest Exposition

The UW-Madison Farm and Industry Short Course dairy cattle judging team took first place in the last judging team competition of the season at the Southwest Exposition and Livestock Show. The team, all short-course students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences with a strong interest in dairy science, placed first in Holsteins, second in Jerseys and Guernseys, and third in Brown Swiss and Reasons. There was a large spread of 17 points between UW-Madison and second-place Kansas State.

“The team has worked hard all year,” Jim Armbruster, UW-Madison coach, says. “The reward was granted so it proves their hard work paid off. It”s a great accomplishment because they were competing against four-year schools.”

Chris Gottschall of Highland, Wis. was first in Jerseys and sixth high individual. Bill Theil of Osceola, Wis. was third high individual. Darren Dittman from New Richmond, Wis. placed eighth high individual and fourth in Holsteins. Mary Gettinger from Norwalk, Wis. was second in Guernseys and 17th high individual.

The contest was held Jan. 23 at Fort Worth, Texas. Eleven teams competed; Oklahoma State placed third. In two previous national contests, the UW-Madison Short Course team placed fourth.